Establishing Your Interview Process, Pricing & Packaging
CourseYou earned the credentials now earn what you are worth. This session helps you establish your process for finding the right people, setting the right price and developing the right process to achieve your vision.
The Art of Your Offer: Overcoming Objections
CourseHelp ease people's minds by understanding their key objections and what they need to say yes to your coaching offer. This course will help you frame your offer and solidify your stance. Useful pre-work: Defining the DNA of Your Business
Developing Your 60 Second Commercial
CourseAfter all the work you put into learning how to be a highly skilled coach, you want to ensure you can effectively communicate your how you fulfill people's need and the difference it will make in their lives.
Meaning in the Moments of a Nudge
CourseHow to listen/act on nudges rather than live w/regret. This is a great course for those of you working with clients that are having a hard time acting on your ideas or opportunities.
The Paradox of Holding On & Letting Go
Building Your Brand Assessment